Dangoor Center for Personalized Medicine


We’re thrilled to be launching a major new website about precision medicine. 

This free website from Bar-Ilan’s ‘Dangoor Center for Personalized Medicine’ will become the leading digital resource for physicians, health care workers, academics and lay persons to access and share knowledge about transformational health care and medicine in Israel and around the world. 


The Dangoor Center for Personalized Medicine is the hub for information and research related to personal / precision medicine.  Through this site laypeople, medical professionals, life science researchers and students can keep up to date on the latest development in bio-medicine and its various branches. By disseminating current, timely informative articles and research findings, the Center and its website enable professionals and laypersons to better understand the causes and current treatments for medical conditions, and the research being done to advance more targeted and effective therapies.

The Dangoor Center for Personalized Medicine at Bar Ilan University was established with the generous support of the Dangoor Education Foundation and the Dangoor family to encourage inter-disciplinary collaborations and advance personalized medicine. About 100 researchers from fields such as life sciences, medicine, biology, and chemistry are associated with the Center.


