Necromancy Rituals in Jerusalem Cave


Rare archaeological findings by Bar-Ilan’s Prof. Boaz Zissu offer a glimpse into mysterious customs from 1,700 years ago.

In a stunning archaeological discovery, a team of researchers from Bar-Ilan, the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Israel Cave Research Centre have unveiled evidence of long-lost necromancy rituals that might have taken place some 1,700 years ago in the Teomim Cave, nestled in the Jerusalem Mountains.

Among the remarkable finds were over 120 pottery oil lamps carefully concealed in hard-to-reach crevices, accompanied by intriguing objects such as human skulls, coins, pottery bowls, and ancient weapons.

The significance of the discovery lies not only in the objects, but also in how they were deposited and buried within the cave. The researchers propose that the cave might have been a site for necromancy, which is the practice of communicating with and manipulating the spirits of the dead, often to gain knowledge, power, or foretell the future.

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