On 31st December, Bar-Ilan re-opened its doors for the first time since the horrific attacks of 7th October.
With the war against Hamas heading into its third month, the leadership at Bar-Ilan realised further delays would put the entire academic year at risk, hurting the economy and Israel’s ability to recover from the crisis.
“Israel’s resilience and recovery rely on more than 80,000 doctors, engineers, psychologists, economists, teachers, and all the academics who are trained each year by the higher education system, enabling Israel to be a functioning, strong, creative country which has the ability to face challenges.” Bar-Ilan President, Prof. Arie Zaban
With the resumption of class, returning Bar-Ilan students found seats in lecture halls and classrooms reserved for students who will return to class after serving on the frontline.
The note on each chair reads: “Saved for those serving in the reserves. An ‘academic bullet-proof vest’ is waiting for you on campus.”
Bar-Ilan’s “academic bulletproof vest”: an innovative academic and financial assistance package for all BIU student reservists, which includes:
- recognition of reserve service as an activity to award academic recognition points
- flexibility towards grading, including additional days to complete tests
- direct academic assistance from faculty and top students
- tuition grants for those that need it
This “academic armour” will help our student heroes get back to speed quickly, by providing academic, financial and emotional support.
You too can help our students by supporting our emergency student fund, providing our serving students with an academic lifeline.