Karen Pollock CBE presents Bar-Ilan Award at JCoSS


Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET), Karen Pollock CBE, has presented JCoSS student, Millie Ash, with a Bar-Ilan Award at the school’s 2024 Celebration Evening.

Millie received the award for her voluntary work in Holocaust education, so it was fitting the award was presented to her by the CEO of HET, for whom Millie has been volunteering for.

After presenting Millie with the award, Karen Pollock CBE said:

“Millie, along with her peers from JCoSS, are true models of hard working and dedicated students. To have achieved so much in such a difficult year, as levels of antisemitism have exploded across the globe, is a testament to their hard work. We are so pleased to see that Millie has taken her experience with the Holocaust Educational Trust and gone the extra mile as a Holocaust Educational Trust Ambassador, and delighted that she has been rightly recognised for her commitment and for all she has accomplished.”

Commenting on Millie’s award, JCoSS’s Director of Jewish Life, Ms Sara Levan, said:

“Millie has been a fantastic ambassador for HET and shown continued commitment to Holocaust and Jewish education throughout her time at JCoSS. We are delighted to be able to recognise her commitment and leadership through this award.”

Millie Ash (left); Max Dunbar, Director, British Friends of Bar-Ilan University (right)
